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FAQs About Hearing Loss by Florida Gulf Coast Hearing Center

At Florida Gulf Coast Hearing Center, we’re here to ensure hearing loss doesn’t get in the way of your everyday activities. Our experienced team of professionals understands every stage of hearing loss and will help you find the best hearing loss services for your needs. We can diagnose and treat various types of hearing loss with the most innovative technology. To meet your needs, we have multiple hearing clinic locations; one in Estero, FL, and two in Naples, FL. Florida Gulf Coast Hearing Center answers your most frequently asked questions about hearing loss services in Florida. Make an appointment with us today!

How do I know I have hearing loss?

Hearing loss usually happens over time. You may notice subtle signs of hearing loss, including:

  • Consistently asking others to repeat themselves
  • Hearing constant mumbling from others
  • Need to ask about details of meetings consistently
  • Playing entertainment louder than others around you
  • A loss of hearing environmental sounds like birds chirping
  • Hearing a constant ringing sound

What causes hearing loss & tinnitus?

Hearing loss is usually a cumulative injury that stems from not using hearing protection and is often part of the natural aging process. Tinnitus is a constant ringing in the ears that often have no real cause. It can be caused by noise exposure, hearing loss, a head or neck injury, stress, earwax, and more.

How is hearing loss diagnosed?

We at Florida Gulf Coast Hearing Center start diagnosing hearing issues by performing tests for hearing loss. We’ll perform an audiological evaluation to determine the type and degree of your hearing loss. This includes a visual inspection of your ear canal and eardrum and medical history evaluation. The tests are plotted on an audiogram to provide a visual view of your hearing of various pitches or frequencies. Your tests results lead us to the best hearing loss treatment for your needs.

Why should I get an assessment for hearing loss & tinnitus?

It’s essential to get tested for hearing loss and tinnitus to find the best hearing loss treatment customized for your needs. We’ll find the best tinnitus treatment to meet your exact symptoms and try to determine the root cause of your hearing issues. Hearing loss treatment can sometimes reduce the risk of cognitive decline, so it’s important to get tested as soon as possible when you suspect hearing loss or tinnitus.

What are the different degrees of hearing loss?

The different degrees of hearing loss include:

  • Normal Hearing (0-25 decibels HL)
  • Mild Hearing Loss (26-40 decibels HL)
  • Moderate Hearing Loss (41-70 decibels HL)
  • Severe Hearing Loss (71-90 decibels HL)
  • Profound Hearing Loss (greater than 91 decibels HL)

What are the different types of hearing loss?

The three types of hearing loss include:

Sensorineural Hearing Loss – As the most common type of hearing loss in adults, sensorineural hearing loss affects the inner ear or may be a problem with auditory nerves. Hearing loss maybe caused by age-related changes, noise exposure, inner ear circulation damage, increased inner ear fluid, or nerve transmission disruptions.

Conductive Hearing Loss – Conductive hearing loss is an issue with the middle or external ear. It develops when sounds are not transferred correctly through the ear canal or eardrum. It may be caused by excessive ear wax, fluid in the middle ear, a hole in the eardrum, or a middle ear infection.

Mixed Hearing Loss – If you have medical issues in your middle and inner ear, you experience mixed hearing impairment. This includes both conductive and sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

What are the signs of hearing loss in children?

Childhood hearing loss is most often caused by ear infections, genetic factors, and head trauma. The signs of hearing loss in children include:

  • Failed school hearing screening
  • Frequent ear infections
  • Delayed speech
  • Difficulty following verbal directions
  • Not startled by loud sounds
  • A need for a louder volume on radio or TV

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a common hearing disorder often referred to as ringing in the ears. Some people may experience buzzing, clicking, or hissing in their ears. Tinnitus is a symptom of other conditions in your ear or auditory nerve. The sounds may be constant or intermittent.

How is tinnitus treated?

There is no exact cure for tinnitus. We can often address the underlying cause of the symptoms to help eliminate the ringing in your ears. We can treat tinnitus by assisting patients in learning to manage their symptoms.

What brand should I choose?

There are multiple types and styles of hearing aids. From in-the-ear styles to behind-the-ear styles, it’s important to find the right hearing aid for your lifestyle. We offer sleek and innovative hearing loss solutions. The most important things to consider when choosing a hearing aid style and brand include:

  • The type and degree of your hearing loss
  • Medical considerations
  • Manual dexterity
  • Your budget
  • Preferred cosmetics